Goal Setting

I have determined from our statistics that the average price of sold properties last year was $130,000.  Additionally, our average commission percentage per side last year was 2.83 percent.  This means that the average GCI per side would be $3679.00  If you were on a 70% split then your earnings per side would be $2575.30.  If you wanted to make $70,000.00 this year, you would need to sell 27.18 sides.  Divide that by 11 months (taking one month off) you would have to sell 2.47 houses per month.

Published in: on April 14, 2009 at 9:30 am  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Sounds like a good formula!

  2. Come on people.

  3. well, I just got back and catching up on my emails or I would have responded sooner. I have been a twitterer….and active in facebook for a few months now. I think its great. As far as goal sitting I do every year. I can’t operate without direction of some sort. Your formula is a lot easier than mine. I will use.

  4. Oh by the way I do like the blogging site! For all that read this Yes I am back from the Dominican Republic, had a great time. Jody did a good job for me while I was gone. Edd and I are now taking care of her things, if you have questions leave a blog and I will respond. thanks

  5. Thanks for the reply Ronica. I’m glad you liked the numbers. They can really help in goal setting. I am anxious to hear about the DR. Hope you didn’t get the swine flu.

    • Well, I did sneeze so hard yesterday that I drove my car
      thru the garage wall. Well, ok not thru but did do a lot of damage! But as far as I know no swine flu!

  6. I’m glad you weren’t in our parking lot.

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